As we head into the second half of the year, let's pause and take a look at the latest data on preneed contracts and forecast what may lie ahead for the remainder of the year. Thankfully, the data shows that as interest rates and inflation continue to rise, it hasn't deterred consumers from planning ahead.
From our own database of contracts written between January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2023, the numbers show a few interesting points:
More than two-thirds (68%) of preneed contracts are currently active.
Cremation accounts for nearly half (46%) of preneed contracts, while traditional burial or entombment services make up only 5% (the type of disposition for the remainder of contracts were not selected by the seller).
The average total preneed contract amount is $2,542. Services account for the highest portion of the average contract amount.
Based on these insights, here's what we can expect for the remainder of the year:
Continued growth in cremation: Consumers overwhelmingly prefer cremation, and the trend is expected to rise considerably over the next decade, requiring cemeterians and cremation providers to generate incremental sales and lock in future revenue with a robust preneed trust program.
Modest increase in contract amounts: As inflation continues its rise, we may see a slight uptick in the average preneed contract amount, which has the potential to push contracts into the $2,500 - $5,000 range, especially as firms add new personalization options.
Speaking of personalization: Consumer trends show us there is a significant increased revenue potential on the table for firms that offer personalization options at pre-need. As consumers increasingly prefer off-site, unique services, firms that meet this demand by making the planning process easy for families will come out ahead.
Overall, our industry is poised well to navigate inflation, adapt to the increase in cremation rates and meet changing consumer demand with several strategic adjustments. Leaders who act early and move strategically with consumer demand will emerge as winners.

Bill Williams
President and CEO, Funeral Services, Inc.
Regulatory Update from WRW Legal
Important Changes to Chapter 497 Made by 2024 Florida Legislature
The 2024 legislative session has brought significant updates to Florida's deathcare law, Chapter 497, Florida Statutes. These changes impact various aspects of the industry, from Board member appointment to the handling of preneed contracts. Here are the key revisions:
Board Members: The Chief Financial Officer now handles all Board appointments, removing the Governor from the process. Additionally, Board members must abstain from voting on measures that could result in personal gain or loss.
Service of Administrative Complaints and Citations: Licensees must ensure their mailing and email addresses are current with the Division to avoid missing important communications.
Disclosure of Private Information: Private information can now be disclosed in emergency orders, in addition to existing conditions.
Care of Human Remains: New regulations address the handling of human remains, including stricter penalties for non-compliance.
Fulfillment of Preneed Contracts: New proof requirements for preneed contract fulfillment have been established to prevent fraud.
FSI provided a new Trust Disbursement Request form and instructions relating to fulfillments. Note that our protocols are fluid as we streamline the process and obtain feedback from firms and the state.
Stay informed and compliant by reading our analysis of the regulatory updates and how the changes impact you here. If you have any questions about these changes, please feel free to reach out to us at 850.765.5214 or at Wendy.Wiener@WRWLegal.com.
Markets Rebound in May, Led by Tech Surge
U.S. markets rebounded in May, leading the way to a positive third quarter. Following April's 4% decline in equities, May boasted a 5% gain. All major U.S. indexes hit new highs, led by the tech sector's 10.1% jump. Four mega-cap tech stocks contributed half of the S&P 500's year-to-date return.
Economic data softened inflation and labor market concerns, though inflation remains high. Corporate earnings also topped expectations and with higher yields, bonds regained portfolio diversification benefits.
Looking ahead, monetary policy uncertainty could lead to volatility until the Fed clarifies the path of inflation. Overall, the markets show signs of strength and cautious optimism as we head into the third quarter of the year.
eContract is the industry's most advanced preneed contract generating software, enabling funeral homes to create and edit electronic contracts with automatic, error-free calculations from any device with internet access.
Executed contract data uploads directly to FSI's systems, saving you time and money, while ensuring you remain in compliance with the FTC Funeral Rule and Cooling Off Rule requirements.
If you are ready to improve your efficiency and take the compliance risk out of your contracts, contact clientservices@fsitrust.com.
FSI executives regularly contribute to our profession's leading publications with thought leadership articles. The articles are written with you in mind - to provide advice, new ideas and in-depth insights on issues our profession faces.
Here are brief summaries of several recent stories featuring FSI:
The Best Success Measures to Track Growth for Your Firm
The old saying, If you can't measure it, you can't prove it, is as true today as ever. Firms that are focused on growth have one thing in common: they know how they're measuring success. If you need some guidance on where to start with measuring business growth, read more in our recent column with Memento Mori here.
Which Preneed Funding Method is Best: Trust or Insurance?
In the battle between trust or insurance, which option is best for your firm's preneed program? There are pros and cons to both, which we explored with Southern Funeral Director.
Read more here.
How Cremation Facilities Can Jumpstart Preneed Sales
As the number of families choosing cremation continues to rise, cemeterians and cremation providers can capitalize on the trend to generate additional sales. How? By implementing a robust preneed trust program. Read more in our recent column with American Cemetery & Cremation

"At the end of the day, I truly believe that working with FSI makes the difference between an average business and a well-above average business."
We sat down with Jim Rudolph, owner of Clearwater, Florida-based Veterans Funeral Care for a discussion on how his firm has benefited from FSI's expertise. Read on to find out how Veterans Funeral Care is able to focus valuable time on business-building activities, while FSI handles the paperwork.
How has working with FSI impacted the operational efficiency of your funeral home?
I've worked with FSI for more than 20 years - essentially since I started Veterans Funeral Care. And in that time, they have delivered a turnkey service with a team that feels like family. Most of the team members that I work with day-to-day at FSI have been there for more than 20 years, so they know my business and this industry inside and out. In this business, it's longevity and relationships that matter.
By partnering with FSI, I've been able to focus my efforts on the things that help me to grow and market my business, while FSI handles the administration of our trust account and all the reporting and compliance support that goes with it. At the end of the day, I truly believe that working with FSI makes the difference between an average business and a well-above average business.
Can you provide a specific example of how FSI has streamlined your recordkeeping and administrative processes?
We have weekly staff meetings where we review the deaths that occurred and which ones are pre-arranged. For the pre-arranged individuals, our team is able to quickly reference the status of the contract and the payments, and within two days, we're paid out of the trust.
How has having a dedicated trust administrator helped you and your team focus more on core funeral services and client interactions?
I approach my business plan with a marketing and PR-first strategy, so anything that keeps me at my desk doing paperwork is time taken from community relationship building. I never worry about our trust administration and the fine details that go along with it because FSI has always managed that side of the business for us so well.
How has FSI's expertise helped mitigate potential risks and liabilities associated with preneed trust management?
We benefit significantly from the audit support that FSI provides. When we get notified of an upcoming audit, FSI provides an audit packet that makes the process seamless for us and the auditor. We have never had a single issue during the audit process, which is often a significant source of stress for businesses.
How has working with FSI improved the financial management of your preneed trust funds?
I don't have to worry about our trust account, and I never have to deal with the back end. FSI does all of that for us. We're fortunate that our trust accounts have kept pace with, and often exceed, deathcare inflation. FSI is the perfect choice for me and my business.
Important FSI Dates to Remember

The Southern Convention
Stop by our booth!

ICCFA University
FSI CEO Bill Williams will teach a session on Funeral Home and Cemetery Accounting in the College of Leadership, Management & Administration

FCCFA Annual Convention
Stop by our booth!

FSI offices closed for Labor Day

CANA 106th Annual Cremation Innovation Convention
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